Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October Photo Assignment

My goal for the month of October was going to be to post one photo a day on our blog to show what life is like here in Africa.  Unfortunately, it's October 2 and I'm already a day behind!  Here are two photos for today:

This is an example of the famous "tinga tinga" art here in Tanzania.  Our friends the Driesengas gave us this sign for our front door as a welcome gift when we arrived.  Emily and Charlotte also have signs for their doors; Josh is holding out for the exact tinga tinga he has in mind (the same one that Grade 5 has on their elusive yellow bird collage).

This is a sight in our yard every day - piles of (hand-washed) laundry air drying in the sun and wind.  Notice all those HOPAC uniforms!  You can see our monkey, Alias, in the background on his pole, checking things out!  You may also notice the wall that goes around our property.  It's about 7 feet tall and has razor wire at the top to discourage intruders.

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