Monday, October 28, 2013

October 27 photo assignment: Moshi the German Shepherd

(all photos courtesy Josh)
In addition to our monkey friend, we also inherited a German shepherd along with our house.  His name is Moshi, which means "grey" in Swahili.

This is what Moshi does most of the time:

(snoozing on the front porch).

Although his official "role" is guard dog, I honestly wonder what he'd do if thieves made their way inside the property.  Trot up to them, wagging his tail and asking to be petted?  I think I've heard him bark maybe 2 times in our 10 weeks here.

He does look a lot more ferocious than he acts and many people are afraid of him.  He's also quite the Alpha Male...frequently when we come home he'll go up to our car tire and pee on it (thanks, Moshi!)  He also feels the need to mix it up with Alias by peeing in his territory or trying to eat his food (seriously, do German shepherds even like bananas?)  This generally results in a dog/monkey brawl.

Unfortunately, he's a bit of a sickly dog....we've had the vet out here twice already (on the plus side, the vet makes house calls.  on the negative side, the vet feels the need to explain all the science behind the parasites for a long time).

Nothing makes Moshi happier than when we're all outside playing football.  He romps around with joy!

Overall, Moshi is a good dog and we're happy to have him!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, How great to see our dog again, but we called him Smokie. We saw him the day he was born 18th December 2003 and again 4 weeks later. We collected him when he was 8 weeks old. Best dog we ever had and it was hard to leave him behind when we left Tanzania in 2010. Our boys just loved to play with him, that is where he learnt to play football in the garden. He seldom barked and just love to lie on my feet in the house. We have loads of pictures of him. He is an old dog now and we are so happy he has a good home where he is clearly much loved. Robert Armstrong
