Friday, October 25, 2013

October 24 photo assignment: Alias the Monkey

To satisfy the request of a certain 7-year-old special someone, today's pictures are devoted to Alias the monkey.

I have to say that going into Africa, I was definitely the least thrilled in the family about the monkey. And even less so once we got here and he bit Emily.  But he has definitely grown on me.  Considering I feed him pretty often, he's nice to me.  We've gotten better at reading his "cues" - he is a wild animal and so he has to be approached with caution.  When he's in a good mood, it's just like having a dog.

He doesn't stop moving so it's tough to get a good shot.  All photos courtesy Josh.

Alias has been living here for quite a few years.  The original owner bought him and a female monkey off a "traveling monkey salesman" (only in Africa...I have a mental image of a long coat opened up to reveal monkeys like NYC street vendors).  The female escaped, and Alias is tethered to a post so he can't escape.  Apparently male monkeys cannot re-enter the wild, so it's actually kinder to keep him in captivity.

He has two poles with perches to hang out on, and a little bucket shelter to sleep in.

This is his "submissive" pose, that means "pet my belly."  If you don't act fast enough, he'll start rubbing his own belly to give you the hint.  We feed him mostly bananas - 3 a day.  He also likes bread and other veggies/fruits.  I've been getting some half-rotted stuff for free at the green grocer.  I learned how to say "Do you have any food for the monkey today?" in Swahili (Una chakula cha nyani?)

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