Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14 photo assignment: Pool Party!

The HOPAC pool finally opened last week, and, to celebrate, a pool party was held for faculty and families this weekend.  The pool is beautiful, and already has very warm water...can't imagine the temperature of that water once the hot season gets here.  Unlike most pools I've been in, it was colder to get out than to get in!

Tim was up to his usual antics of throwing children in the pool (this is Josh in action!)

Charlotte with some of the teachers' kids!

Emily and her Grade 6 classmates engaging in some water battles!

There was one unwelcome guest at the party - this 4 inch long water scorpion, which was swimming uncomfortably close to me!  It apparently looks scarier than it is, but I didn't want to find out.

1 comment:

  1. hey I like the bug! Next time please try to save one for me and sneak it out of the country.
