Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 6 photo assignment: Doing the Stuff Sunday

The first Sunday of every month, Vineyard church holds "Doing the Stuff Sunday."  After a time of singing together, we split up and serve as part of various projects for just over an hour.  Instead of a typical passive worship service, this is action-oriented:  being the hands and feet of Jesus in the local community.  Is it outside our comfort zone?  Absolutely.  But in the words of the pastor today, "When church starts becoming predictable, we've got to shake it up a bit."

One of today's service options included going to Sala Sala, an abandoned quarry behind HOPAC, where about 1,500 impoverished people make their homes.

The kids saw us coming and ran out to greet us with hugs.  We had a craft project for the little ones, and the older ones played football (aka soccer).  Here's me, passing out the paper hearts.
The idea was to make a heart-man (1 heart, 2 arms, 2 legs) but things got very creative.  Here's one of the finished projects:
A football match!  You can see Josh and his friend Caleb to the far right (not sure why they are just standing there and not running...)
I'm thankful for the opportunity to do the stuff with our new church family!

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