Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25 photo assignment: scenes from the computer lab

Here's a little glimpse of life in the computer lab at HOPAC.  Tim is teaching computers to all grades K-12 with the exception of grade 10.  There is a huge range of abilities in that age range due to the fine motor skills required!  The formerly "high school only" teacher has had a pretty steep learning curve as he prepares a large number of lesson plans.

Grade 3 hamming it up for Mr. Steen.  He's definitely acquiring some groupies here (in addition to his own three children, who he teaches!)

Kindergarten gets to play fun math and typing games!

Looks just like a normal lab, right?  What this picture can't show is the frequent power and internet outages or all the issues related to the new thin client system.  


  1. You'll have to define "thin client system" for 95% of your reading audience!

  2. each computer station is a little mini-computer with monitor/keyboard/mouse. the little computer has no moving parts, just some RAM, a simple processor, USB ports, and a network cable. They connect to more powerful application servers in the back of the room, which actually do all the work. Need to install a new application? Just do it once on the server, and the thin-clients are ready to go. Sounds like it would be great for school, but my experience both here and at EC is that they are plagued with problems. For instance, if the server decides to be slow, everyone is slow.

  3. Your post is very well. You share the nice information about thin clients services in US.You create the lifestyle luxury.

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