Sunday, July 28, 2013


During the CRWM training a few weeks ago, we thought a lot about the concept and importance of Sabbath as an intentional "pause" in the week to spiritually reconnect with God.  Generally, for Christians, Sabbath also occurs on Sunday, and communal worship is a key element, along with rest from daily life.

Growing up, I never focused on Sunday as Sabbath.  Instead of seeing the blessing of having a day set apart for God, I spent Sundays looking for loopholes in what I could and could not do.  (Can I ride my bike? How far?  Can I go swimming?  Why not?)  Basically, I was a Pharisee:  the kind of legalistic person who gets in her own way and completely misses the point.  God created the Sabbath as a gift to His people:  something necessary for our spiritual, mental and physical health.

Since the training, I've tried to be even more intentional about taking this weekly pause in the busyness of life. Because reality for me right now is 10,000 move details running through my head at every second, I'm trying really hard to not think about any of these on Sunday.  This, of course, is much easier said than done - particularly when just going to church evokes so much emotion and uncertainty about the future.  I'm really going to miss my church community and my thoughts naturally wander to questions such as "Will we be blessed and be a blessing to another community of believers in Tanzania?" and "What will happen to our home church in NJ while we're gone?"

However, I'm trying to do what they tell you in yoga to still your mind (if you have a thought, just try and acknowledge the thought, release it, and then move on to re-quieting yourself.)

This is the Scripture I'm meditating on today (Matthew 11:28)
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
I thank God for creating a Sabbath-rest for His people.  And I pray that this Sabbath-rest will re-energize me to engage again with the 10,000 details tomorrow morning.

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