Thursday, July 25, 2013

Living out our story

The following poem/prayer was handed out as part of the spiritual self-care portion of the CRWM training.  I found the concept of God enjoying the unfolding of our stories particularly meaningful.  It's taken from Ted Loder, Guerrillas of Grace:
Keep Me in Touch with My Dreams
O Lord,
in the turbulence
and the loneliness
of my living from day to day
and night to night,
keep me in touch with my roots,
so I will remember where I came from
and with whom;
keep me in touch with my feelings,
so I will be more aware of who I really am
and what it costs;
keep me in touch with my mind
so I will know what I am not
and what that means;
and keep me in touch with my dreams,
so I will grow toward where I want to go
and for whom. 
O Lord,
nurture in me
the song of a lover,
the vision of a poet,
the questions of a child,
the boldness of a prophet,
the courage of a disciple. 
O Lord,
it is said you created people
because you love stories.
Be with me as I live out my story

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