Friday, May 31, 2013

Letting Go.

In church this past Sunday, the organist played a meditation hymn and the words were in the bulletin:

Faith begins by letting go, giving up what had seemed sure, taking risks and pressing on, though the way feels less secure; pilgrimage both right and odd, trusting all our life to God.
These words are so appropriate for this journey in so many ways (including the "odd pilgrimage"!)

This experience has been a major lesson in faith for me, as it is teaching this control freak to let go.  Although I never actually had control over my own life or truly was secure in my own efforts, I certainly felt like I did at times.  This endeavor is beginning to remove this illusion of control.

Although there is no resolution on any of my Big Three worries (partnership with CRWM,  finding a place to rent in Tanzania, finding a renter here in NJ), there has been steady progress on worries one and two. 

I had absolutely no idea how to go about trying to find a place to live in Tanzania (since they are not exactly on Trulia), but this week the school emailed us seven possible choices.  Seven!!  God does provide!  We're in the process of getting more info on each, as there is a wide range of prices and amenities.  (one place comes with a pet not reveal this to my children or the decision will be made for us!)  But I feel like we have options, which is a beautiful thing.

The CRWM partnership also moved along this week.  I believe they finally have all the documentation from us, and it's now in the hands of the powers that be.  I am hoping and praying for finalization early to mid next week...which would be awesome timing since one of Tim's students and teachers are tentatively organizing a fundraising car wash for us next Saturday (more details to come).

There was also movement on my next tier of worries:  the kids' passport applications are in the State Department system (after a worrying two week silence), we have a good lead on a car in Tanzania, I figured out how to do an international wire transfer and we are making significant progress on cleaning out our house.

All in all, a great week!

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