Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Green Mambas

Last week, we found out that HOPAC has 4 "houses" within its student body and faculty: Blue Sharks, Green Mambas, Yellow Cheetahs and Black Rhinos.  These were developed using the 4 colors of the Tanzanian flag and 4 common African animals.    Harry Potter fans will understand a bit of the House system:  students are placed into one of four houses and they can earn "points" for their house based on good behavior, inter-house sports competitions, etc., leading up to a house champion at the end of the school year.

Our family has been selected as part of the Green Mambas.

These were my reactions, in order:
1) Cool!  Houses!  Like Harry Potter!  That will be so fun!
2)  There are GREEN MAMBAS in Tanzania???  Uh-oh.  That doesn't sound good.
3)  Green Mamba sounds a lot like Slytherin...but at least the Sorting Hat didn't choose this based on our character.  It was random.
4)  I've got to buy some green shirts for me and the kids before leaving!  (for the days where the House colors are worn).  Luckily Tim has a vast selection of green wear.

Just a fun tidbit and a little picture of what we're getting ourselves into!  The kids could not be more thrilled at the House concept (they are huge Harry Potter fans), but, like me, were not enamored with the Slytherin-like house to which we've been assigned.

Still...Go MAMBAS!!


  1. LOVE IT! Love the house concept. Come to think of it my freshman year of College had something very similar with each resident hall competing against each other for the end of year "cup" prize.

  2. We are the yellow cheetahs. Bring on the competition!! :)

  3. Great. Now I have divided loyalties. Maybe I'll root for the rhinos just because I have a big nose.
