Thursday, May 23, 2013


I've been feeling a bit discouraged this week.  There has been a lot going on outside the Tanzania prep that have been burdens on my heart, and unfortunately I haven't felt very encouraged on the Tanzania front either.
  • Today I learned that the visa documents we sent on May 15 were never received by HOPAC, meaning that we've been sitting around an additional 8 days with nothing happening.  Because the worst-case visa processing scenario is 3 months, it was always going to be uncomfortably close for my liking.  Now my fearful self wonders if we'll be able to meet our desired departure date of August 15.
  • We're no closer to finding housing in Tanzania.
  • We're no closer to renting out our house in NJ.
  • We still don't have a finalized partnership with World Missions.
Discouragement and fear are nothing new in our Christian walk.  The Bible speaks to these very natural human emotions many times.  My personal favorite is Joshua 1 - where Joshua and the children of Israel are encouraged numerous times by God himself before facing off for the land of Canaan.  Joshua 1:9 is very applicable to our current situation:
Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
On paper, it's pretty simple:  we have been commanded and God will be with us.  I'm trying very hard to embrace this truth and to see the areas of encouragement in my life.  So although the big issues of this journey are still unsettled, I'm giving thanksgiving for the following things:
  • I cleaned out a lot of our file cabinets, and was able to take advantage of a local town's free shredding day last Saturday to easily take care of all those confidential documents (which was very much appreciated, since our personal shredder is not working).
  • Tim was able to connect with a current HOPAC parent and board gamer to see which of his beloved games he can confidently leave behind.  It's nice to know that there is a community of people awaiting us that share one of our favorite pastimes and will play our favorite games!
  • I have had very encouraging conversations with people, hearing them affirm their excitement and that they will be praying for us.  We've also had people tell us that as soon as that CRWM partnership is official, they will be supporting us!
Please continue to pray:  for quick visa processing, for lodging here and there, and above all, that we may believe God's promises in Joshua 1:9.


  1. We are praying! And we'll be there a month before you, meaning you'll have another set of eyes/ears/hands on the ground who can help you figure out details on the TZ side.

  2. Marc and Gretchen: how could I have forgotten Skyping with you as a major encouragement?! Thank you!! :)

  3. You are continually in our prayers, Steph. (As are Marc and Gretchen!)

