Friday, June 27, 2014

Top 10 impressions from the U.S.

It's really surreal to be back in the U.S., and this feeling is aided by the jet-lag stupor that I've been in for the last few days.  Here are my top 10 observations about life so far:

1.  Drinking from the tap is really convenient - and the "cold water" from the tap is actually cold (unlike in TZ, where it's lukewarm to hot, depending on how hot the day is).
2.  The foods I've been most appreciating have been on the healthier side - strawberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes, salad and cheese.  These things are rare to non-existent or extremely expensive in TZ. Also nice - I don't need to wash my produce with dish soap first!
3.  I think we all have a little PTSD about power outages.  We were in the library and the air conditioning fans went off and the kids immediately asked, "Is the power off?!"  Not once in 3 days!  I've currently got something in the crockpot and am a bit nervous about it!
4.  Emily, in watching me make quesadillas with store-bought tortillas and cheddar cheese observed,  "The tortillas are so white!  The cheese is so orange!"  Ah yes, the land of artificial color.
5.   The kids are wearing sweatshirts in the 80+ degree weather here.  I think they have acclimatized to Tanzania!
6.  A dishwasher.  A washing machine.  Hot showers on demand.  A grocery store within walking distance that has twice as much food as I've seen in any one place for a year.  Daily life is much easier, though decision-making at the store is more difficult.
7.  Our van is running (after a battery replacement) and I've adjusted back to driving on the right, although I'm still messing up the turn signals.  I'm struck by how smooth the roads are, how nicely our 2001 vehicle drives and how roomy it is.  Most people follow the traffic rules, and there are no vehicles swerving around me on the road!
8.  I miss our TZ community.  I've gotten used to seeing people I know wherever I go, and everybody showing up for everything.  Here, life is a lot busier and more anonymous.  Seeing the pictures of all the World Cup parties in TZ gave me a twinge - here we are IN the U.S. and there wasn't a lot of celebration.  Making plans to see people requires a lot more effort and coordination of calendars.
9.  Smells are much more pleasant here.  Nobody is sweating through their shirts, everybody wears deodorant and there are so many nice-smelling fabric softeners, shampoos and body washes.  There's no standing water or burning trash.
10.  My feet are truly clean for the first time in 10 months!!  And they are staying clean!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I dont know which part of tz you have been I live in tz and I have been to other countries...the food and fruits are cheap in tz .....the most expensive hotel are cheaper than your regular MAC Donald...people don't use deodorant? Probably depending on who you get involved with....I have seen dirty places with no water and toilet in the cities like London, brussels, even in your not generalize without proper research....if it was that bad why stayed for 10 months? I don't think washing produce with soap is considered hygenic you should see a doctor
