Thursday, June 5, 2014

Abundant Blessings

Last month, we put together a "wish list" for things we'd like from the U.S., thinking maybe we would get a few items.

Wow.  We were blown away!  Friends and family blessed us so richly with nearly every item on the list, some in multiple.  And these were not cast-offs from attics and basements, but new, high-quality things - many still with tags on them.

Thank you to Jeff, Jed and Rachel for serving as our pack mules, to Joyce and Mary for boxing it all up and to the many of you who donated with glad and generous hearts.  We feel so loved and appreciated by all of you.

"Thank you" doesn't really cut it in this case.  It's kind of a lame response to something that is so overwhelming and humbling.  Kind of like our inadequate thanksgivings to God for his abundant blessings.

If I had to pick a theme for this first year in Africa, it would be exactly that: "abundant blessings." Anytime we had a true need, God not only came through adequately, but extravagantly.  We can see this through our fundraising, through the new house that was provided, through an instant and rich community, and through the amazing growth that our kids experienced this year.

Time after time, we were reminded that we have indeed been given "immeasureably more" (Ephesians 3:20).

One small example of this was Easter this year.  It was our first holiday in Africa without any U.S. family. Hoping not to spend this day alone, we extended a general potluck invitation to our community. It was kind-of last minute (by U.S. standards), and we weren't quite sure if anyone would come.  We ended up with over 60 people, many of whom stayed into the evening:  adults playing board games, kids running around together and everyone enjoying each other's company.  A day that could have been difficult and full of homesickness was instead full of fellowship.  It was probably one of our best days here.

It's a good reminder that our God is not a small God.

All for us!  "Ask, and it will be given to you...for everyone who asks receives..." (Matthew 7:7a and 8a).

The E.C. shirts were a great surprise!

A picture of just the packaged snack foods!  So excited to have lunches taken care of these last 3 weeks!