Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thank goodness it's Thursday ... and Friday (part 4 of a week in the computer lab)

If I were to compare my current work with my previous teaching career, M - W are much more intense than any other teaching assignment I've had. (Minus the publishing deadlines, have I mentioned I don't miss those?)

Thursday and Friday, on the other hand, are cake!

Thursday's schedule:
period 1 & 2: prep
period 3 & 4: study hall (also prep time)
period 5: prep
period 6: 1/2 of grade 7
period 7-8: ICT class

So that's 3 periods of the day teaching, and they are classes I've already talked about. This grade 7 class is usually a bit ahead of the other middle school classes I teach, so I get to try out new ideas on them and then refine the lessons for the next Tuesday. Bonus!

Friday's schedule:
period 1&2: ICT class (so we get end of the day Thursday and beginning of Friday each week together!)
period 3 & 4: prep
period 5 & 6: study hall
period 7 & 8: Advanced ICT

Again, 4 of my 8 periods are basically preperation time. This *should* keep me on target for my grading and lesson plans, and usually does. (with a good amount of weekend work and evenings of course). Study Hall time is a chance for me to grade or plan, with just a little supervision as well. This being high school, it can be challenging to convince students to use a Friday afternoon for study rather than goofing. And as usual, my "prep" time is almost always done in the computer lab, where students can come and get other work done. On Thursdays, I get a special treat, which is lunch duty. This gives me the excuse to leave the computer lab, lock it, and eat outside! yes!

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