Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Top 10 ways I know I'm adjusting to life in Africa....

With a nod to David Letterman, here are the top 10 ways I know I'm settling in:

10.  I've accepted the fact that my feet are always dirty and have perpetual sandal tan-lines
9.  When I smell body odor or a stinky car, I no longer check to see if it's me
8. I ignore the sounds of horns on the road...it's nothing personal.
7. I know that 180 Celsius is about 350 Fahrenheit and that 30 grams of butter is about 2 tablespoons.
6. When there's a breeze at night and it drops to the high 70s, I sometimes get a little shiver of chill.
5. I don't freak out when I see lizards in my house
4. I know that asking for a dozen eggs means I'll get 30.
3. I understand that, more often than not, a bigger size item is NOT cheaper on a per-unit basis than a smaller one (yes, I am a geek).
2.  I refer to soccer as “football, ” games as “matches,” and the field as “the pitch.”

And the number one way...
1.  When I smell smoke, I don't automatically think, “Danger!” I think, “Someone's burning trash again.”

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