Monday, November 4, 2013

Some moments in the life...

Now that Steph's done with the photo extravaganza, maybe some people are going through withdrawal on Steen updates. Well, I doubt that. But still, here are some snippets of life recently.

1. Looks like our first official African sickness has hit us. There has been a 24 hour bug going around, and it looks like Steph got it. Now, Emily, Charlotte and Stephanie are all laying in bed feeling not too good. Can the boys survive without them. (prediction: no.)

2. We went to the local waterpark on Saturday morning. What an hilarious adventure! The waterpark is a pool, six fairly nice big waterslides, and a few kid-sized slides. When we arrived right around opening time, they were still deciding when to turn the waterslides on. About every 10 minutes or so, another would start working. two of the big slides never did work, and we've heard that no one has ever seen them work. One of the others did finally work a few hours into the day, so there were four working big slides.

There were no rules. Climb up the slides? Sure, why not? Stand right in front of the exits? Of course! Form a line at the top and go down in an orderly fashion? Nah. In the whole waterpark, there were maybe 10 tubes and a few mats. Find a tube or not, run (not walk) up the path and stairs (be sure to push!) and jump onto the launchpad whenever it suits you! If you didn't get a tube, good luck...the water flow isn't really heavy enough to push down a person. On the way down, you may enter a few discarded mats, you may run into some people stuck. You may have one of those tubes coming down Mach-speed behind you, so look out! It really is quite a bit of fun, and dangerous enough to get some bumps and scrapes. It sure makes the American-system of "one person at a time" and lifeguards at the top and bottom look safe, if a bit stuffy.
Even better, we picked a day to go when many other HOPAC families were there, so we had a great time. We're also a little scared to go back, but for about $3/person, it's a great Saturday activity!

3. When we got home from the waterpark, we got ready to have some company over for dinner. These friends have probably been the most power and water outtages (not to mention a burglary...) so it was no surprise that 45 minutes before they came, we had a whole troop of power company workers come into our yard and work on fixing a leaning electrical pole. This pole has been leaning at a bad angle for at least 2 1/2 years. Also, it is right next to the dining room, where we have two big windows. They took apart four power lines, and placed them (still live with power) in our yard. Of course, we were baking dinner when the power went off. They dug out the pole, straightened it out, and reburied it. It was hot out, so they often took breaks napping in the yard. Still, the whole process took maybe 3 hours. It was just getting dark when they strung up the wires again and restored power. We don't know why Saturday was the day to fix the pole, but hey, it all worked out.

4. We're still in house limbo. We've been living in our current house without signing the lease that ran out on October 31...we are delaying just a bit because we are still looking at another place. We *think* this new place may be just the place for us, but we are working on making sure we can afford it. It is "on the hill" right behind the school, meaning we could walk to/from school! It's a very nice community, and a homely house with an amazing view. We need to make a decision soon, though! (That is, right now.)

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