Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thankful Thursday

4 weeks ago today, we arrived in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, to begin our new life. It's been a challenging and often overwhelming adjustment, and the temptation is to focus on the negatives (as I write this, the power is off again). However, there is a verse stenciled on our living room wall which says, “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4) which is an important reminder whenever I see it. As such, today I'm going to focus on some of the joys and thanksgivings of the past month.
  • Health: we have been very blessed with good health. So many people report difficulties with digestion and fevers when they arrive, but except for one “off” day and a minor cold, we have all been very well physically.
  • Protection from medical crisis: Charlotte sprayed herself in the eye with DEET bug spray. Josh got so many mosquito bites on his hands that there was more redness than skin. Tim suffered a blow to the head while playing football (soccer). In all 3 cases, everyone is absolutely fine with no medical treatment sought.
  • Friendships: the kids in particular have made fast friends in their classes, for which we are so grateful. They are enjoying running around together on the playground after school, just like at EC!  Emily and Josh are also each playing football 3 times a week which keeps them very occupied. Overall the kids' transition to the new school has gone even better than we had hoped.
  • Making progress on the house: although we have the basics, we have no storage units, the house echoes and the girls are still living out of suitcases. Slowly but surely I'm making a dent: we have curtains in the bedroom and kitchen, curtains are ordered for the living room and dining room, and we are getting bedside tables and an armoire for the girls (delivery in 2 weeks!) As you can imagine, there is no IKEA down the road to solve these problems!
  • Driving: I no longer break out into a cold sweat every time I'm on the roads. And unlike New Jersey drivers, the crazy antics here in Tanzania really don't faze me all that much. I guess because it's such a free-for-all here, you can't really expect order on the roads. I've also finally been adjusting to the turn signals and except for one time, I've been properly sticking to the left side of the road.
  • HOPAC Community: we have been welcomed with open arms into a wonderful family of believers.  HOPAC is an amazing school and I'm thankful the kids can continue to receive an excellent, Christ-centered education.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)

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