Monday, August 12, 2013

Thanksgivings at T-minus one day

I'm nervous but EXCITED to begin this next chapter of our lives.  I'm antsy to go- I've pretty much thought and prepared about nothing else for the last 3 months.  It feels like I'm going into a final exam after an intense semester...I've done my best and now it's time to just do it already!

Over the last week so much has really come together in God's perfect timing.

* We have renters!  Although initially I was a tad disappointed because I was really hoping for a family to be blessed by our house (and this is couple with no kids who are renovating their own home), they are super nice people and will definitely care for it like it's their own.  As a bonus, with no kids, they will probably do less damage than we would have :)  And, most importantly from people who will be thousands of miles away with a mortgage to pay in the States, they have great credit and I have no worries that they will honor their commitments.  That is a huge mental burden lifted off our shoulders!

* We have decided to keep our van!  I never even thought of this possibility until a generous person offered to store it in their yard.  Since we'll hopefully be coming back for a visit next summer, we will need to get around both in NJ and Michigan. Our van is in decent shape but is over 10 years old with over 100,000 miles - so we certainly weren't getting much money from it and probably less than it would take to rent something.  An unexpected answer to something we hadn't even prayed about!

* We have gotten so many encouraging emails and Facebook messages from people in Dar.  We know that we'll be picked up from the airport with our myriad of suitcases (at 2:30 a.m., mind you), brought to a house to crash until we feel semi-human after traveling for over 20 hours, brought to our own house, have groceries and dinner awaiting us, and our new car is being delivered to us.  What it truly awesome in all this is that we'll be totally set up within 12 hours of arrival without doing any scary driving or attempts at speaking Swahili!  Praise God!

Although we've got a ton of little details to attend to over these last two days, our only true remaining stress is moving our queen boxsprings and mattress (will it fit in the basement?  if not, what is plan B). The kids have been absolutely crazy this past weekend, but are motivated to help in this home stretch with a bribe of seeing the movie Planes tomorrow if we are ready to go.

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