Saturday, June 29, 2013

A busy week!

This week was the first full week of the summer schedule, which means that my children are home way more than normal.  I was a bit worried since there is still SO much to do (and as of today, only 46 days to do it...yikes!)  However, I was encouraged at all the following that happened this week:

* We sent out all our donor letters.  Thank you to all who have supported so far, and if you didn't get one and want one, email us!

* We got a stove in Tanzania!  The people we're renting from have been unbelievably wonderful to us.  They are leaving the majority of their furniture for us to purchase, but they are taking the refrigerator and stove.  So they have tirelessly been searching on our behalf, and not only alerted us to this stove, but arranged for it to be delivered and waiting for us and even pre-paid for us.  So thankful for them!

* We set up two fundraisers:  a July 6 beach party and July 22 Blue Moon restaurant fundraiser.  Still room for July 6 - and although I don't usually pray for weather-related items, I might for this one, since the rain date of July 7 would put a chunk of our church out of commission and would delay our journey to Michigan by a day.   I can't express enough how wonderful the Blue Moon people were to work with.  So even if you can't make our fundraiser, please patronize their restaurant at another time!

* We set up a new bank account that will be better equipped for international wire transfers.  That step allowed us to fill out all the Christian Reformed World Missions (CRWM) paperwork and send it.

* We have a verbal offer to buy our little car, and have a good lead on renting our house.  We should know about the house by next week.  If that doesn't work, I think we're going to list it.  I still really want the house to bless someone who needs it!

* We are mostly covered with shots:  I had the 2nd of 3 visits for my 6 (!!) shots and the kids have 2 of 3 completed.  The pediatric typhoid vaccine is under a national backorder and so there's definitely a possibility that we'll have to leave without it and get it in Tanzania.  The other shots-related issue is that the pediatric clinic wouldn't even submit them to our insurance and so I had to pay cash up front, to the tune of over $1,000 (thank goodness for credit cards).  I am hopeful that at least a portion of those will be covered, but that was a very nasty surprise.  The other good thing is that Tim is good to go with those he got for his Uganda trip.

All in all, a great week!  What gives me minor panic attacks is that we only have one more full week here and then we're gone the bulk of the next two with CRWM training and visiting family.  When we return, we'll be in late July....only 3 1/2 weeks to go from that point.  But, it if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done!

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