Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Time to Pay for All This

Dear Friends,

You have been SO encouraging to us during this process. We have been humbled about 2504 times already by so many nice comments. We have felt lifted up in prayer and supported on all sides.

It's very hard for us to ask for money to support us, but it is necessary to make our vision a reality.
The good news is that when you sign on to support us, you are helping SO many other people. Some of our money each week goes to supporting other Tanzanians that will do some work for us. Some will go to local farmers, grocers -- average Tanzanians trying to make a living in a tough economy. And the very reason we need support is so that our school can keep costs low and allow the children of Missionaries to afford a high-quality education while they do God's work in Tanzania. Your gift will bring a myriad of blessings to so many people!

Early next week, we'll be sending out support letters to as many of you as possible. In the meantime, we are very excited to announce that our online giving is set up and ready to receive donations. We humbly ask for you to consider a monthly recurring gift that will help us throughout our 2 year commitment. We are excited by any gift though! More importantly, we continue to covet your prayers as we work through details of the move and setting up our new life.

Follow this link for easy online giving. In the first drop down menu, find "Missionaries -- Africa" In the box next to that, you'll find my name "Steen, Timothy".

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