Friday, April 10, 2015


From "Terror (noun): 1) intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror....2) an instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety; quality of causing terror...4) violence or threats of violence used for intimidation or coercion;terrorism.”

In the wake of Al-Shabaabs's attack last week on Garissa University in Kenya, there has been a WhatsApp message circulating around Dar that reads:
"This is a very serious warning from UNDP Dar!  Beware on Friday [April 10] suspected Somalian terrorist attacks in Dar, Mwanza, Arusha and Mbeya.  Try to avoid public gathering places on that day, especially hotels.  UN Security warning.  Please take extra care and avoid public gathering places.  Forward this message to all your friends."
HOPAC has been checking directly with the United Nations, the U.S. embassy, the British High Commission and other sources and all research shows that this is a completely false report. Nonetheless, despite being totally unverified, this message spread like wildfire throughout the community this week and many students said they would not be attending school today.

From a logical, rational perspective, I know that these rumors are just rumors.  Anyone can anonymously post up a wild and crazy theory and I can't imagine that Al-Shabaab would gain anything by starting a conflict with another country (or in the case of an attack on an international school, many countries).

But terror does not operate in a climate of logical or rational behavior and our kids in particular have been very affected by this.  They begged to stay home from school this morning and Tim and I have spent most of the last 2 evenings at home trying to calm their fears.  It's times like these that I realize that I have no idea what I'm doing as a parent.  I can say all the "right" things and commit it all to prayer, but when they say things like, "A responsible parent wouldn't send their child to's not worth the risk" or "I just want to grow up and go to college, get married and have kids," that's when the cold fear of terror hits me.  Are we making the right decisions?  What if?

How much do you expose your kids to the news versus sheltering them from it?  When they ask, "Do they kill people because they are Christians?" do you answer honestly?  When they question, "Are there terrorists in Tanzania?" how do you respond?

Hearing the brutal truth:  "Yes, terrorists are everywhere!  They are godless and soulless and can attack at anytime.  Islamic fundamentalists do hate Christians.  We are all unsafe:  anytime, anywhere!" and living in a grip of fear is more terrifying than anything the actual terrorists can do.  The other truth:  "Put your trust in God alone - He will shelter you under His wings...If anything happens and we are killed, we're going to a better place!" often rings hollow.

Nonetheless, today, instead of focusing on Al-Shabaab (the youth), I'm choosing to meditate on El-Shaddai (God Almighty).  I read Psalm 46 to the kids before school this morning and I was struck again by its message of comfort.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."  (verse 1)  We don't need to be strong because He is the refuge.

"Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall.  He lifts his voice, the earth melts" (verse 6). 
God is not surprised by any of this.  In fact, He promised that Christians would be persecuted for their faith.

"He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear."  (verse 9).
God is more powerful than any terrorist group or nation.  They all exist only by His will.

"Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (verse 10).  
God has this all under control and whatever happens, we know that He will be glorified.

It is good for me to be reminded to "be still."  I am honestly less afraid at what will happen today as I am angry that our family has been in turmoil for 2 days over this.  A handful of terrorists have the ability to literally paralyze my children with fear and I can't protect their minds, let alone their bodies. But God can.

Please join me in praying specifically for East Africa today, and for protection for Christians around the world.

"The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."  (verse 11)

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