Monday, September 22, 2014

The walk to school

Some days, I'm burdened by my own thoughts, or it's hot or raining and I don't appreciate my surroundings.  But most days I walk to school and I have to pinch myself to remember that, yes, I am the luckiest person ever:  that is the Indian Ocean there, and palm trees, and flowers regardless of the season.  It has to be the most gorgeous commute ever and so I thought I'd share some snapshots with all of you.

We first start up a hill that is surprisingly steep!

Then down a dirt road which is dusty in the dry season, and thick red mud in the wet season!

Sheep!  Always a surprise for this city girl.  They look and sound better than they smell...

I love this part of the walk, which provides blissful shade from the beating sun and feels like my own personal secret forest.

There is always something flowering along the many little shortcuts we take!

I will never, ever get tired of gazing upon the Indian Ocean.  It is amazing to see the many colors change throughout the day.  You can usually see barges in the distance.  In the foreground, there are always various piles of rocks, rubble, wood, etc. as there is usually a project going on "the Hill."

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