Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hello, World!!

So by now the news is generally out: We'll be moving to Tanzania in August for a 2 year assignment at Haven of Peace Academy in Dar es Salaam.  Tim will be teaching computers and yearbook - same as he does now!- but to a K-12 school of 300+ kids from 40+ countries.  It's an international Christian school for kids of missionaries, ex-pats and native Tanzanians.  Our kids will be students at the school, be taught by Dad, and get to go free - woohoo!  (they'll also be learning Swahili, though the official language at the school is thankfully English).  If you want to check it out, it's 

We are in the final stages of securing a "partner missionary" partnership with Christian Reformed World Missions since while the school does provide a modest stipend, we'll need to raise some support.  (so stay tuned for future fundraisers, if you feel led to join us on this crazy journey).

I don't have a ton of details yet and I'm not sure exactly how this is all going to work out, but God does!  He's opened so many doors (and closed doors) to make this happen.  We do have peace with the decision and can't wait to see how it's going to turn out.

We decided to create this new blog for all our loved ones to "follow" us and support us on this road that will lead to Africa in just 3 months.  We also have a new gmail set up which is tanzaniasteens (with the at sign and behind it).  Reportedly, we will have email and Skype while in Africa, which are amazing blessings.  I can't imagine missionaries of just 20 years ago and how isolated they must have felt!

I will try and update the blog at least a couple times a week to let everyone know how we are coming along.  Right now, because our official partnership with CRWM isn't finalized, our top need is prayer.

Please pray for all of us over the next 3 months...and then the next 2 years!   Specific prayer requests at this time include the following:
  • That we would find a renter for our house.  If we'll be so bold, we'll pray that we know the family and that they will agree to keep some of our furniture with them for the next 2 years (such as my beloved piano)
  • For calmness and efficiency.  It's easy to get overwhelmed when thinking of the 10,000 details that need to be accomplished.  But I (Steph) am not currently working and can devote most of every day to getting things lined up.  It WILL all come together.
  • That our family would continue to communicate and process together.  Although the kids are all reportedly on board and excited, I'm sure they are and will be grieving a bit for things they won't be experiencing over the next 2 years - particularly because at the end of the school year, it's only natural for everyone to look forward....and that "forward" won't be including us.

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