Monday, August 25, 2014

Tanzania, Take Two!

We've been back in Dar for just over a week now.  We're over the jet lag, have completed the first four days of school, and are getting back into a "routine" (although I use that word loosely here as things are always changing).

In many ways, we've hit the ground running.  Although I've forgotten a lot of my Swahili, it's coming back as I stumble to buy things in the market.  It has been nice to reconnect with my HOPAC and Tanzanian friends and embrace the slower pace of life and earlier bedtimes.  We know people, we've got our favorite places to buy stuff, we understand much of this culture and way of life.  It's certainly a lot easier than our first experiences in Dar a year ago.

But in other ways, it has been tough coming back.  We had a really great time in the U.S. this summer and I think we all experienced varying degrees of reluctance to leave our home country.  There are a lot of people and places that we love and miss greatly.  And I'll be honest - it is a lot easier to live there. It's more comfortable, more efficient, less chaotic, better smelling, safer and more familiar.  It's very sad to give up everyday conveniences like jumbo supermarkets, debit cards, and miles and miles of roads without potholes and police stops.

However, God has not called us to be comfortable, but to be faithful.  He has brought us back here to Tanzania for this school year and even when it's hard, we accept His will.  I don't know what this year will look like, but He does.  I commit to learning and growing and (re)embracing this crazy ride!

So karibu tena - welcome again!- to reading about our adventures in Tanzania.  We are grateful for your prayers and support and I was affirmed this summer by the number of people that said they have been reading!  Feel free to email any questions or blog topics to tanzaniasteens (at)

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